Digi IX15 - Simple Certificate Enrollment

Configure a Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol client

You can configure IX15 device to function as a SCEP client that will connect to a SCEP server that is used to sign Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), provide Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and distribute valid certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA).

The SCEP Client can be embedded in a variety of devices, including routers, IoT devices, servers, and networking equipment. The client communicates with a Certificate Authority (CA) via a SCEP server to automate certificate-related tasks.

The client periodically interacts with the SCEP server to renew certificates when they are close to expiring and to check Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to ensure that no certificates have been revoked.


Why Use a SCEP Client?

Automation: SCEP eliminates the manual process of deploying certificates on large numbers of devices by automating the enrollment and renewal process.

Scalability: It’s ideal for large-scale deployments (e.g., in IoT environments or large enterprise networks), where many devices need certificates.

Security: It ensures that all enrolled devices are properly authenticated and can communicate securely using the certificates issued by a trusted Certificate Authority.


Steps for configuring SCEP can be found in the IX15 User Guide:


Last updated: Oct 11, 2024

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