HXC Client: Minimum configuration setup using AT Commands – LoRaWAN

The HXC series client module is shipped pre-configured with standard LoRaWAN configuration options enabled. In most regions, it is only necessary to provide the LoRaWAN security keys and connect to your local network. The HXC client provides a preconfigured API for managing connection options.

The minimum configuration for an HXC Client using OTAA (Over-The-Air Activation) is to configure the Application EUI and the Application Key. The Device EUI by default is set to AUTO, which uses the LoRa global roaming IEEE EUI-64 built-in address. But users can set Device EUI too. For example:



To get the unique built-in Device EUI, execute the command below:


Users can set the Device EUI. For example:


DevEUI, AppEUI, and AppKey need to be provisioned on the Network Server. Check out how to add an application profile and how to add a device profile on X-ON. After that point, the JOIN command can securely connect the HXC client to the LoRa network (X-ON).


Data can be sent as Binary/Hex or ASCII. It is recommended to use Binary for the smallest payload. Data can be sent as Confirmed or Unconfirmed on any port from 1 to 223 using the SEND or SENDB commands.

AT+SENDB=<ACK>,<PORT>,<PAYLOAD(hex bytes)>


The Haxiot Conductor network server provides customizable templates to expand compressed binary data into Web APIs.

HXC Client User Guide (Chapter 9) provides steps to execute AT commands using a Terminal software (for example using TeraTerm).

Haxiot also provides Embedded API for HXC Client that handles all the LoRaWAN configuration for your sensor node. The Embedded API also comes with an application example with easy to follow state machine using STMicroelectronics Nucleo-L053R8 and HXC Client Expansion board.

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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