The ConnectPort X2e SE requires a DNS server to resolve the Device Cloud server IP address. Normally the device receives the DNS server information automatically from the DHCP server on your Internet router, but ifyour router does not provide the information, you may need to set it manually.When this error occurs, the system log will display the following message:
Error resolving 'fully qualified domain name': No address associated with nodename (EAI_NODATA)
The device usually gets the DNS server from the DHCP server. If aDNS server is not supplied from your DHCP server, usually because it is not configured to supply it, the ConnectPort X2e will use the default Google Public DNS server (address If use of this default DNS server is not desired,a DNS server can be configured manually using the Web interface or Device Cloud's Device Manager interface.
It is most effective to fix the DHCP server to provide the correct networking parameters to the device. Otherwise, the device's network configuration can be set manually.