How to obtain a List of Digi Remote Manager Connected or Disconnected Devices

The following examples may be used in a web browser in order to obtain a list of devices which are currently in a connected state on your Digi Remote Manager account.

List of Connected devices:'connected'

List of disconnected devices:'disconnected'

If you are not currently logged in the Digi Remote Manager account, you will be prompted to insert username/password:

Then, the results of the query will be shown like in the following example:

Other options can be used to obtain results filtered on several parameters:

Devices Connected & Normal Health Status'connected' and health_status='NORMAL'

Devices connected & model type is a WR21'connected' and type='WR21'

Devices connected & belonging to a specific group: /ws/v1/devices/inventory?query= connection_status='connected' and group startsWith 'Test_Config'

Last updated: Jul 23, 2024

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Digi Remote Manager

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